Lyme & Iran: British Ministry of Defense has a Lot of Explaining to do

As most of the chronically disabled victims of persistent Lyme infection know, the Steere camp love to portray Lyme Borreliosis as a trivial, easily-detected, easily-cured disease.

The American biowarfaremen and EIS officers, have had, of course, total support from our Ministry of Defense (yes, the same MoD which, I am told by someone in a position to know, wants to have me murdered.)

Well, given the current state of high tension in the news regarding Iranian-western relations, maybe it’s time to revisit the strange case of Drs Karami, Sorouri-Zanjani, and O’Connell.

British Lyme patients will be very familiar with the name of Dr O’Connell, head of our Lyme reference lab up till a few years ago, when it was moved to Porton, our main biowarfare research centre.

They may be less familiar with the fact that O’Connell, who dished out false negatives like sweets, was a biowarfare expert (specialising in Q Fever).

They may be less familiar still with the fact that Dr O’Connell, while in charge of Lyme, worked very closely with Dr Sorouri – Zanjani from Iran in the 90s.

What does it matter?

Well, Dr Sorouri-Zanjani just happens to be an extremely close colleague of Dr Ali Karami, who, as I mentioned publicly years ago, was the Head of Iran’s Biowarfare research centre.

Of course the centre’s actual title portrayed it as devoted to non-proliferation, not manufacture, of WMD.

I think that’s probably as true as our own western biowarfare establishment’s claiming they only do work related to defense.

In other words, it’s complete rubbish, both when the Iranians say it, and when we (Western countries) say it.

After all – and biowarfare scientists themselves have been the first to admit this – nearly all modern biowar work is DUAL-PURPOSE.

In other words, the same research that could be used to search for ways to protect populations, can also be used to annihilate them.

So who is Ali Karami? Well, as Iran’s top bioweapons scientist, we could wonder which microbes he spent much of his career studying.

Was it the dreaded Bubonic Plague? Anthrax? The horrificĀ  (and tick-borne) tularaemia? The 1918 Flu virus?

Actually, Dr Karami spent much of his career studying Lyme Borreliosis (Lyme disease).

Now why would Iran’s top biowarfare man want to waste his career studying a trivial disease, easily cured with a short standard course of antibiotics?

I don’t know. Maybe Dr O’Connell could ask her colleague (and his), Dr Sorouri-Zanjani, who undoubtedly knows more about the strains and prevalence of virulent Lyme Borrelia here in England than any doctor or scientist outside of our own biowar apparatus, and perhaps more than some who are in it.

So if tomorrow, you hear on your news broadcast that we all need to go to war with Iran because Iran has biological weapons, don’t be surprised if you get a sense of deja vu.

In 1991 we all went to war because Iraq had WMD. This was not speculation. Saddam, a murderous dictator, really did have biological and chemical WMD.

We knew it was true because we in the West gave them to him. Much if not most of the WMD he had was supplied by companies in the USA, Britain, and other western countries.

How could our Defense Departments be so foolish as to allow WMD to be shipped to a murderous dictator? Well, in those days, he was a “good” murderous dictator.

Only when he turned against Kuwait and by extension, western oil interests, then we discovered he was actually a “bad” murderous dictator.

I’m so glad our Defense departments know what they are doing.

So if you live in Britain, and you want to know the true rate of Lyme-infected ticks in your area, don’t bother asking the Lyme lab at Porton Down.

Just ask Iran.

Oh, here’s one product of the collaboration between Britain’s former head of Lyme, and Dr Karami’s good friend.













Pentagon Forced to Respond on Lyme disease – Bioweapons Coverup …at last!

19 July 2019

After 15 years of my struggling to raise awareness of the Lyme – bioweapons coverup (and suffering imprisonment, death threats and non-stop hacking for my pains), it’s gratifying to see that at last, the truth is trickling out.

The Pentagon has now been forced to respond to allegations from Congressmen from both major parties in US, following the publication of the book “Bitten”, by Kris Newby, whose award-winning documentary Under Our Skin was seen by tens of thousands some years ago.

I wont comment yet on the specific allegations in Kris Newby’s book (if you want to know why, please see my post on Healing Well

But I will say 3 things now:

  1. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the US Dept of Defense to deny that it has done biowarfare work on ticks, including inserting all kinds of microbes into ticks, for decades. This has been documented in tons of places, not least their own literature.
  2. It is ESSENTIAL that we, as victims of the Lyme disease coverup, do not let this historic opportunity slip out of our hands. So we need to make sure that journalists, congressmen – and soon -class action lawyers – are supplied with only RELIABLE, well-resourced, verifiable FACTS – not conjecture or nonsense from sites promoting aliens-from-outer-space-control the-earth theories etc.
  3. Right now, the story is in major media outlets like CBS, Huffington Post, Newsweek, Globe and Mail, The Guardian and The Express in Britain etc. But most of them are “balancing” their reporting of the Congressmen’s allegations with “information” from the director of ALDF, Phillip Baker. We need to tell all those journalists the truth: Baker is NOT an impartial commentator, nor does he represent any patients. He is the former ANTHRAX PROGRAMME OFFICER AT NIH (he held this post concurrently with his post as Lyme Officer). There are several sources of evidence, not least from NIH itself:

I advise Lyme patients to print out HARD COPIES of this (in case it “disappears”) and send it to all those journalists interviewing Baker.

Also, please enlighten them that the ALDF is NOT a patients’ association. It has ZERO patients. It is an astroturf (fake) patients’ group run by biowarfaremen and corporate stakeholders in Denial.

Elena Cook 19 July 2019
